Course Overview
This two part course will explore types of security threats, both digital and physical. It will start off with an overview, look at types of threats, social engineering and identity theft. The course will continue by exploring types of security threats, both digital and physical. It starts with protecting digital information and then discusses types of malware such as viruses, worms, trojans and phishing as well as software detection and finishes with file extensions.
Course Topics
Cyber Security Awareness Basics, Part 1 of 2: Overview and Threats – 59 minutes
Social Engineering and Identity Theft
Overview (04:11)
Introduction (00:10)
What Is Security (01:35)
Are You at Risk? (02:17)
Summary (00:08)
Types of Threats (09:16)
Introduction (00:08)
Introduction (03:25)
Your Internet (05:34)
Summary (00:08)
Social Engineering (10:43)
Introduction (00:08)
What Is Social Engineering? (01:04)
How Social Engineering Is Done (09:22)
Summary (00:08)
Social Engineering Defense (05:53)
Introduction (00:08)
Manipulation (05:36)
Summary (00:08)
Social Engineering Precautions (10:08)
Introduction (00:08)
Why Social Engineering Works (07:33)
Personal Precautions (02:18)
Summary (00:08)
Identify Theft (11:49)
Introduction (00:08)
What Is Identity Theft? (01:42)
Other Possibilities (00:59)
How Does It Happen? (02:56)
More Identity Theft Methods (05:54)
Summary (00:08)
Identify Theft Defense (07:28)
Introduction (00:08)
How to Defend Yourself (02:30)
How to Defend Yourself (Cont.) (04:03)
Online Credit Card Use (00:37)
Summary (00:08)
Cyber Security Awareness Basics, Part 2 of 2: Protection and Malware – 1:22 hours
Identify Theft Actions (09:03)
Introduction (00:08)
What Criminals Do with Your Information (01:51)
Other Things Criminals Do (01:17)
What Criminals Do with Your Information (Cont.) (01:09)
How to Know if You’re a Victim (00:39)
Actions to Take if You Are a Victim (01:24)
Fraud Alerts (01:46)
Contact Information (00:38)
Summary (00:08)
Protecting Digital Information (05:09)
Introduction (00:10)
Passwords (02:07)
Hashing (02:43)
Summary (00:08)
Password Management (09:43)
Introduction (00:08)
Password Management (04:49)
Password Management (Cont.) (01:56)
Length and Complexity (02:41)
Summary (00:08)
Malware Definitions (07:55)
Introduction (00:08)
Introduction (00:35)
Basic Definitions (07:03)
Summary (00:08)
Malware Infections (21:04)
Introduction (00:08)
What to Look For (01:35)
What to Look for (04:05)
How can you get Infected (06:42)
Summary (08:32)
Malware Detection (18:40)
Introduction (00:08)
Software Detection (04:07)
Personal Firewalls (04:24)
Summary (10:00)
File Extensions (10:16)
Introduction (00:08)
Know the Extensions (03:23)
Demo: Understanding File Extensions (06:36)
Summary (00:08)