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Important CompTIA A+ info for CLA Partners

Hello CompTIA Learning Alliance partners,

In response to overwhelming demand and feedback from many sectors of the A+ market, we are extending the retirement date for the CompTIA A+ 2003 exams from December 31, 2006 to June 30, 2007. E2C and select international regions already have extended retirement dates. Those regions with previously announced retirement dates later than June 30, 2007 will not be affected. Also as previously announced, localized versions of the A+ 2003 exams (Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, French, Greek and Spanish) will remain available until localized versions of the new A+ exams are released.

Organizations and individuals that have already transitioned to the updated CompTIA A+ offering will not be impacted in any way.

Please see below the FAQ



CompTIA A+ – 2003 Exams Retirement Extension


What is the retirement extension?

With the launch of the updated suite of CompTIA A+ exams, CompTIA had previously announced that the current A+ exams based on the 2003 objectives would be available only until December 31, 2006. Exceptions were made for the E2C market (June 30, 2007) and a number of International regions (March 31, 2007 – December 31, 2007, depending on region). CompTIA has now announced that the retirement date of the 2003 versions of the A+ exams will be extended until June 30, 2007. Regions and markets with previously announced retirement dates later than June 30, 2007 will not be affected.

Why is CompTIA extending the retirement date?

While the updated CompTIA A+ is enjoying a strong reception by the market, CompTIA A+ 2003 needs to remain available beyond December 31, 2006 to satisfy the ongoing high demand. CompTIA has decided to keep the current exams open longer to accommodate the numerous organizations and schools currently in the middle of training and testing cycles.

Will this extension affect the availability of training and preparation materials for the updated CompTIA A+ exams?

No. Training and test preparation materials for the updated CompTIA A+ offering continue to be developed and approved through the CompTIA Authorized Quality Curriculum (CAQC) program.

Where can I review the new retirement schedule?

The updated retirement schedule is available on the CompTIA website.

The CompTIA Learning Alliance Team